Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Voice of the Graffiti Artists~

These are some quotes from some of the graffiti artists.

"I believe that art has to be in the streets and if it is necessary, against the law and not in a gallery or in the museum where nobody sees it and where it has an economic undertone."
-King Pin

" Basically my life story is painted here... I've seen a lot deteriorate around me through the years-the bottom of the painting shows that- yet i've been able to move up in the art world. Most people don't have a chance to express themselves- its like an adventure for me."

My first experience of graffiti was drawing on my parents' wall with a crayon, aged 8. I knew it was wrong but it seemed so much more exciting than coloring books that i knew i could draw in."

" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there's aesthetic value and a passion sensed in each piece of work...in my mind, every sticker, very tag seen on the street has an artistic merit; be it the spray flick, or a marker drip on the letter or even the illustration style of a particular sticker bomber."

" The most funny experience i've had was painting in India... with LA Force Alphabetick and calligrapher anand... The kids were mad about us, the smaller ones were watching us as E.T.'s! They touched our skin and "OH BEAUTIFUL!"... We painted the wall of the school and church of the village. ALL the village(14000 people) were watching us. They all wanted to talk, invite us to their homes. That was really strong. awe were living in the church, going for dinner at the convent, playing with kids from the school... their village is in a massive beach and its paradise. I never did a piece that make people feel happy and thankful."

Without a social attitude, there is no platform, there's no scene, no interesting feedback,"


" Anger and Love! Its amazing to see the power of these works in two simple sentence:" I HATE YOU!"," I LOVE YOU!" Who needs more than these two tricks for an energetic life? The rest is just decoration and camouflage."

What do you think is the future of street art? Will it increase/decrease?

" As our environment continues to get crowded with commercial bused imagery, there will surely be an increase in street art."
-The Flower Guy

" Street Arts is progressive. New mediums will be embraced but the same goals will always prevail. For the individual to get their work up and noticed."


" It's hard to say. If one form of street art stops, another will be born. Creativity finds itself. Maybe major advertising will take over all forms of art in public space and put down everything else. There will be Bad Ad Police that will arrest people for causing public eyesores. That would be funny."
-Dave Kinsey

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